Tuesday 12 April 2016

Coffee and Tea - 1st Chapter

Genre: Romance / Comedy
Summary: Coffee and Tea perfectly blend together
“Sorry, we already close” River spoke as he heard the door chime make sound. 

It was after midnight and the café was closing. River was putting up chairs on tables, Johnny was done sweeping the place, and Bii had placed all his precious cups in the right places.

And in she came and she sat down without a sound at the high stool.

Friday 18 March 2016

Love Replacement - 3rd Chapter

Genre: Angst / Romance
Summary: A different kind of River and Megan.
Megan looks at River mother with her teary eyes. Her lips were trembling open and close.

“I have source and looks like my son didn’t dig deep enough about you” Mrs. Chen answer for her since she can’t finish her words. 

“And now what do you expect from me? Open my arm for you?”

Megan lowers her gaze, taking a deep breath and she answer with her confident voice. 

Thursday 17 March 2016

Roller Coaster - 15 minute fic

Writing it when I’m having my writer block. Didn’t have any idea and at the end only this piece that come out. Sorry for the short story.

Genre – Romantic comedy
Summary – Feeling of loving someone
Who said loving Megan Lai is easy. It’s a tough job. Her man need to be fully prepared her sudden withdrawal or her sudden mood swing and her craving for mint ice cream in the middle of night – and it at 3 am, its crazy -.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Love Replacement - 2nd Chapter

Genre: Angst / Romance
Summary: A different kind of River and Megan. 

River watches her walk further away from him and walk to the opposite direction. He keeps on thinking about his impulsive act. If his mother didn’t keep on nagging him about getting married and always arrange blind date for him, he won’t make this decision. 

Together Forever - Office escape

Genre: Light Smut - NC17
Summary: What happen when Mrs Du went to the office?

Looking at Zi Feng burier himself under a pile of paper work, Ya Nuo walks into his office. She knock Zi Feng table as she reach in front of him. Zi Feng draws up his head and a bigger smile plastered on his face.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Together forever - Being Mrs. Du

Genre: Romance
Summary: How the new Mrs Du adapt into General Manager world.

Ya Nuo stomp her feet at the floor looking at Zi Feng with an angry eyes. 

“How could he leave with alone with Zi Han and Feng Jie at the charity event?” She mumbles in lower voice. Ya Nuo take a seat at end of the bed and she cross her arm.

Friday 4 March 2016

Love Happen

Genre: Romantic Comedy

Summary: Opposite attract that people keep asking about
No one can understand their relationship. It’s kind of weird and one of a kind. No one can say they were together nor can they say that they were just friends. Yeah, they were definitely in love. That kind of in love where you can’t help but want to fall in love with that person and everything that falls with it. That kind of honest love. 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Love Replacement - 1st Chapter

Genre: Angst / Romance
Summary: A different kind of River and Megan.

“Don’t ever disrespect me again” He shouts at her.

“Yes sir” she answered with slow sob.

Taking his coat with him, River walks out of the room and slammed the door.
Megan is crying on the floor and hugging her leg together. Putting her head on her knee, she said to herself.

“Why must we meet? Why must you marry me?”

Together Forever - Honeymoon

Genre: Romance – fluff
Summary: Typical newlywed’s activity.
Sunlight penetrated between the windows. Ya Nuo still in bed, awaken by the breeze that coming in through the half-open sliding door. She opened her eyes and found herself alone in bed. Zi Feng wasn’t there. She lifted her head and searching for her husband. Then she saw a figure standing at the balcony, facing the sea view. He was wearing his short, shirtless. He sometimes fixed his messy hair that blown by the breeze.